** The summer school will take place. Registrations are closed. Belonging to a training action, compliance with official national policy is closely monitored by the organisers. **
This Summer school is dedicated to halide perovskites and aims at providing the participants (target public: chemists and physicists) a state-of-the-art training that will allow them to determine what materials for what applications.
The program starts by a Keystone based on devices introducing various applications for halide perovskites, detailing their working processes, the underlying physical quantities as well as the expected specifications for devices. This introduction will motivate thethree main blocks dealing with materials, concepts, properties and tools:
Block I – Materials will attempt to present an exhaustive overview of the variety of structures, as well as the major issues to be faced by chemistry and materials engineering.
Block II – Experimental techniques and theoretical approaches will describe the various approaches used to investigate halide perovskites, their strengths and caveats and how they relate to the design of devices.
Block III – Properties will deal with fundamental and out-of-equilibrium physical and chemical properties specifically of metal halide perovskites.
Tutorials will complete the fundamental trainings and provide advanced knowledge of environmental challenges and state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical approaches.
The school will begin by an Anti-Poster Session giving the opportunity to the participants to present challenges and difficulties they currently face in their own research.
This Summer school is organized with the support from CNRS, University of Paris Saclay (Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir), IRS Momentom, Labex Charmmmat, EMFL, RFCT, and the private companies Codex and FOM Technologies.
Confirmed list of tutors
Nicolas Cavassilas Institut Matériaux Microélectronique Nanosciences de Provence (IM2NP) UMR 7334 Université Aix-Marseille
Bernard Geffroy Nanosciences et Innovation pour les Matériaux, la Biomédecine et l'Énergie (NIMBE) UMR 3685 CEA
Ronan Lebullenger Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes (ISCR) UMR 6226 Université de Rennes 1
Linn Leppert Faculty of Science and Technology University of Twente
Yen-Hung Lin Departement of Physics University of Oxford
Matthieu Manceau Institut National de l’Énergie Solaire CEA
Robin Nicholas Departement of Physics University of Oxford
Charles Paillard Structures, Propriétés et Modélisation des Solides (SPMS) UMR 8580 CentraleSupélec